Mission statement
The objects for which the Board is established are as follows:
(a) To secure ownership of a parcel of land on the Appleby coast near Nelson (described as Part Lot 5 Deposited Plan 925 containing approximately 4.9 hectares) in the name of the Trust and proceed to have that land vested as a public reserve; Done
(b) To ensure free public access to the property; Safety issues to be resolved first
(c) To create a parkland setting for the property and otherwise develop and manage it as a public amenity for recreational and aesthetic purposes. In progress
And finally to gift finished park to the Tasman District Council and the people of the Nelson Region
List of those who helped buy the Land so that it could be saved and become a Park (2003)
(Under construction -waiting for permission to publish some names)
Ruth Lau, Kay Pastorius Wall, Merle & John Moffitt, Judith McCaskey, Alison Aaron, Eleanor Denton, Sarah Brown & David Burn, Netta & Phil Walters, Steve Brady, Peter & Gae Smith, Esme & Grant Palliser, Mike Millar, AJ Bull, Teece Foundation, Thomas & Vivienne Fox, HR Mitchell,